summer time

"It is faith's work to claim and challenge loving-kindnesses out of all the roughest strokes of God." ~ Samuel Rutherford

Thursday, January 11, 2007

snow day 2007

I was wrong. this time around my speculations were shot down. snow has stopped. but the temperature is below freezing, thus the snow isn't melting yet.

even if it melts later in the day today, it'll probably refreeze in the evening. with that, the campus decided to close. I wonder if this decision isn't mainly because they hardly closed the campus during the more severe november snow. I bet that influenced the decision makers this time around. or maybe the icy roads this time around made it easier for them to decide. well, they made the decision. so, morning and afternoon classes are cancelled for the day. the campus is closed. no clear news about the evening classes...they either will decide later today, or they're just not being specific...

another snow day then today. second time this winter. first time this year.

for those of you driving out there today, be careful!!!


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