summer time

"It is faith's work to claim and challenge loving-kindnesses out of all the roughest strokes of God." ~ Samuel Rutherford

Saturday, December 31, 2005

end of 2005 ~ reflection?

things happen for a reason. I believe in that. I can't say I live by that since I'm not one who constantly looks for signs in everything that I face or do. Serendipity is a romantic comedy movie which takes that idea to the somewhat extreme. Of course it's just a movie. Nevertheless, ask yourself honestly and see if you haven't had that thought cross your mind before. This means something more. That is a sign. I'm pretty sure people have that thought at least once in their lives.

Well, one sunny clear cold winter day, I was preoccupied with my efforts to find my lost wallet. It's the first time ever that I've lost my wallet. Obviously I was partly upset. In addition, I was definitely totally distracted. Hence, I led myself and my roommate to be locked out of our townhouse. I had nothing on me but a tissue. She had a few dollars on her and was wearing her jacket. So off we went to the mall to kill time while we called and waited for our roommate to come home from work and pick us up. Guilt would be the appropriate feeling. Silliness is the more positive reaction. How could I be so silly to have done this? How many more mishaps am I to face? There's no time to ponder on the effects of my action. I just had to let it happen. Well, remember the tissue that I had in my pocket? Turns out we needed that as the soda my roommate bought spilled when she opened the lid.

To sum it all up, yes, I did lock us out of our townhouse. After that though everything seem to fall into place. My roommate had her jacket on so she was not too cold as we had to walk to the bus and to the mall. She had enough money for us to be able to take the bus and to call our roommate and to buy her soda. I had the tissue to clean up after her soda spill. Hahaha ... are they all just a lucky coincidence?

Today I got something totally unexpected from the mail. Jury summons. Is this for real? I am summoned for jury duty! It's totally random, I'm aware of that. It's just so peculiar that I got picked. I never get picked for anything ... You know what's the funny part? I was finishing up reading a courtroom thriller just last night! And to think that I receive a jury summons today. Hahaha ... again, absolute coincidence. Right?

2005 is ending. One more day to go. What a year it has been. Happy moments. Sad moments. Memorable moments. Moments I want to forget. Moments I don't want to end.
I have been blessed with so many wonderful things. Family and friends.
God is good. All the time.


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