summer time

"It is faith's work to claim and challenge loving-kindnesses out of all the roughest strokes of God." ~ Samuel Rutherford

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

sayuri - memoirs of a geisha

check out the movie trailer

Yes, chinese actresses are acting as japanese geishas in this movie. It definitely raises eyebrows. Authenticity can be questioned. But come on, people, let's not forget that this is hollywood making a movie adaption from a best seller american fiction. Note the american influence. It is as expected that they would choose well known actors to play the parts, even if that resulted in casting chinese over japanese actors. I assume they want the star appeal to attract moviegoers.
Yes, this move might backfire and dissapoint since most will be expecting to watch the transformation from text to picture of this world of japanese geishas. It is anticipated that the movie stays true to the story and cast japanese actors appropriately.
As critical as authenticity is in the movie making process, this is still a hollywood production of an american novel adaptation. I guess the producers didn't want to cast unknowns as the lead characters. That's how we get chinese actors playing japanese roles in the movie. I believe this is not the first time it has happened. Pretty sure that cross ethnicity casting has happened in the past. In the end, the main goal is to entertain the audience.

With that said, I'm personally pleased after watching the trailers. Check them out. I have to admit, I might be biased since I've been a huge zhang ziyi fan. Of course I was delighted when I first heard the news that she will be acting as sayuri in the movie. It turns out that gong li is the one playing the pretty villain, hatsumomo. She was one of the first chinese actresses to be well known globally. They both look so pretty! Of course they have to have ken watanabe in the movie, playing the charming chairman. I knew about him from The Last Samurai, as did most of the american public. He's such a charismatic actor, I can't wait to see how he acts his character.

Not going to expect too much from the movie adaptation because the book is just too good. If they can translate the engaging storytelling from the book to the screen, that will certainly be an accomplishment. For now, the star appeal is one of the reasons I'm anticipating the movie.

If you haven't read the book yet, Memoirs of a Geisha, it is highly recommended that you do. It's one of the best books I've read. The author succeeds in pulling the readers into the story, and you most likely will have difficulty putting the book down before finishing it.