it's cold. it's autumn. it's nice and clear though. came out of class today and was greeted by the beautiful clear blue sky. even the moon was still out. it's 9 AM already and the moon is still out. pretty.
as I was walking from the classroom to the computer lab, walking across the courtyard, a mouse ran from one bush to another. a little small black mouse. I don't know what to think to have a rodent running around on campus. squirrels are expected. but a mouse? I think the next thought in my head was actually spanky. lol

this weekend was spent watching tv online and movies and dvds. is so powerful. they post all the tv series online! I can now follow all the shows, if I choose to. so tempting...
saw grey's anatomy episode 3 online. it's so much fun. mcdreamy is back. mcsteamy is back. the formula is working well. relationship problems. hospital problems. doctor-patients problems. is doing the same thing, but I don't think it keeps all the episodes online. I think they only have it up for a week after it airs on tv. they have something you can download to have all the episodes on your computer. not as practical as abc. wonder if they'll ever have all the episodes online. who knows... it's all about the competition.